суббота, 29 апреля 2023 г.

Antivirus Troubles

A little bit precision:

from IT the domain as above is unavailable but with the direct ip address is showing the home page,
but after a login (the logins data are saved!!) the browser point again to resolved address, with the above errors,
but if substituting the resolved address with the above ip address the forum (with login credentials) is showing …

A bit more checks:
plcforum.work.gd resolve correct to
but http://plcforum.work.gd cannot resolve
is possible to add a line to this DNS record for resolving also http:// ?

"http://" it isn't part of DNS record, but point to protocol & port used only
For worldwide access check can follow this link:

I've found the point: my antivirus tell me that this domain is infected by BotNet …
this is a scan by another authority
clean …
sorry for the trouble

it`s because new domain & have no reputation
our old domain was worked from around 2010 (in total from 2005).
but for sure, it`s the old forum, old physically server, old DBs, nothing not changed except domain name.

P.S. read this full tread: